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Hearts of Gold: CSR’s 50th Anniversary Celebration | Honorees & Host Details


Details about our hosts, speakers, honorees, and the host committee.

Our Hosts

OOMPA is a nationally-acclaimed, Boston-born, hip hop artist who is forever representing the queer, black, orphaned, hood kids n’ them. She was named one of Boston Magazine’s 150 Most Influential Bostonians / and her engaging, interactive performing style has earned her 3  Boston Music Awards and an unprecedented 14 nominations. Read more!

Harry Harding, MLA, VP of Innovation & Strategic Partnerships
Harry has served CSR in multiple roles since 2010, advancing to senior leadership as a key member of CSR’s ongoing capacity-building and organizational development initiatives. As Vice President of Innovation & Strategic Partnerships, he is responsible for generating and executing programmatic ideas, and building and implementing business strategy while serving as a primary brand ambassador, stakeholder, and relationship manager. Read more!

Our Speakers

Eddie Jenkins
Board Chair

Reverend Richardson and Mrs. Jestina Richardson

Sandra M. McCroom
President & CEO

Our Honorees

Honoring Our Founders and Leaders:

Reverend Richardson and Mrs. Jestina Richardson; Sandra M. McCroom; Pamela Ogletree

The Host Committee

More details coming soon!