CSR’s Bridge to Resiliency
Bridge to Resiliency is a one-of-a-kind partnership between Children’s Services of Roxbury and Boston Public Schools to address the complex social, emotional, and behavioral needs of Boston students. To prevent punitive school disciplinary action as a response to student behavioral health challenges, Bridge to Resiliency engages school leaders, teachers and parents to work together to identify students with needs and connect them culturally-attuned, insurance-funded behavioral health care.
Bridge to Resiliency coordinates access to the following services in Boston schools:
- Therapeutic Activity Groups – at school for children and youth who have dealt with trauma or difficult childhood experiences
- Hip-Hop Therapy Activity Groups – for teens who have dealt with trauma or difficult experiences
- Family Partner outreach and support – to parents of children having behavioral difficulties in school
- Connection to Individual or Family Therapy – in school or in the home, funded through insurance or the Department of Mental Health
- Connection to Intensive Care Coordination – for children or youth in need of multiple services
- Connection to Therapeutic Peer Mentors – as part of any service, when needed