Authorization for Transportation and Field Trips
The program may plan carefully arranged, supervised special trips for the children away from the program that do not require bus transportation. You will be notified in advance of all trips. These include children taking walks and infants strolling in their buggy. I give the school permission to take my child on these field trips.
Parents/Guardians of Children Ages 4 Years Old and Older Only
I give the school the permission to transport my child for the purposes of field trips that require bus transportation and/or transportation to or from his or her local schoo. (You will be notified in advance of all trips.) By signing below, I affirm that my child is at least 4 years old and weighs 40 pounds or more.
Please provide medical documentation. Accommodations may require an Enrolling Children with Special Needs Packet.
Please provide medical documentation. Accommodations may require an Enrolling Children with Special Needs Packet.